7 Very Actionable Ways to Help your Baby Crawl

Baby Crawling and Rolling

This article outlines 7 very actionable ways to help you baby crawl that is extremely easy and fun for both parents and babies.

Crawling has many benefits in helping baby development, including strengthening muscles, helps with flexibility, brain and vision development, and improves posture and balance, to name a few.

When do babies crawl and roll? All babies start crawling at different ages so you should never worry or push your baby to crawl as they may not be ready.

7 Actionable Ways to Help your Baby to Crawl.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

Babies tend to gravitate towards their own reflection due to their natural curiosity, so you can use this to your advantage.

Step by step:

  1. Carefully place a mirror on ground level next to a soft play mat.
  2. Place your bundle of joy down in front of the mirror
  3. Allow them to investigate their own reflection, which will lead them to hold themselves up by reaching out to the mirror.

Lead by example. 

You are your baby’s whole world, and they will always try and mimic what you do. This is why they smile when you do (which brightens up anyone’s day!).

Step by step:

  1. Place your baby down on their stomach on a soft mat.
  2. Lie down next to them in the same position
  3. Show them how to lift your stomach off the ground. You may feel silly doing this, but trust me, it works!
  4. You can guide your baby’s abdomen while they are in this position for extra support and encouragement.

Encourage your baby to play with their hands elevated.

The main driver to successful crawling comes from developing core muscles. Babies want to explore their surroundings, but if they don’t have the initial strength or confidence to do so, the easiest thing to do is to stay put. Help them gain their trust by using this technique.

Step by step:

  • Place them in the middle of a soft baby play mat.
  • Encourage them to put their hands onto elevated objects.
  • Just be sure to supervise so your baby doesn’t fall over!

The palms on back of legs technique.

This technique is great as it engages their stabiliser muscles and encourages your child to “push off”. Think of it like a 100 m sprinter and their starting block.

Step by step:

  1. Allow your baby to get into the crawling position on a soft mat.
  2. Gently place your palms behind your child’s feet.
  3. At first, let them get used to this position
  4. Encourage your baby to reach for exciting toys around them.

    Allow you baby to play on both sides.

    It is essential to guide your baby into not favouring being on one side or the other. By doing this technique, you will allow your baby to build muscles on both sides, which is the key to crawling.

    Step by step:

    1. During playtime and tummy time, move your baby into different positions and allowing them to play on all sides.
    2. Mix up the placement of toys on the right and left side of your baby, this will encourage them to use both sides of their body.
    3. An even mix of the right side, left side, back, and tummy will help your little one’s body become strong and healthy.

    You should never skip leg day!

    Babies need to get those legs wriggling! Help your little one get a leg workout by lifting off the floor.

    Step by step:

    1. Pick your baby up by under their armpits, just enough to support their body weight.
    2. Allow their legs to touch the floor or mat.
    3. Keep doing this for around 30 seconds or until your baby tells you it’s enough.
    4. This allows your baby to practice the motion of walking and will help strengthen their legs.

    Under the bridge:

    This technique is for babies that have mastered the first initial ‘steps’ of crawling but are struggling to keep that momentum going.

    Step by step:

    1. Create a small safe bridge/tunnel, ensure the mouths of the tunnel are broad enough to accommodate the baby. A chair works great!
    2. Place toys or anything else exciting, like a mirror at one end of the tunnel and the baby at the other end.
    3. Show the toys to the baby and encourage him to reach out to them.
    4. Remember, you are your babies best teacher, so don’t be afraid to lead by example and show them exactly how it’s done.