I started my business for two reasons. Firstly because I was looking to build a side income as my paid maternity leave came to an end and returning to my day job became more of a reality. I wanted to stay at home with my little man for as long as possible, which was a surprise to me as previously I was incredibly dedicated to my career! Secondly I found it so hard to find toys that I loved for my little one after he was born. There were some lovely businesses making toys in the minimalistic and modern look, but a few pieces I purchased had quickly fallen apart. So I was inspired to start Modern Monty with a focus on this aesthetic along with quality.
My typical day looks like waking up to big cheesy grins and cuddles with Hiro (one of my favourite parts of the day) then breakfast out at a local cafe. We go out for meals often. Discovering new places and new, delicious foods is something my partner and I enjoy a lot. Afternoons are often filled with coffee catch ups, spending time with my sister Chloe (who also helps out with Modern Monty) and naps cuddled up with Hiro. Sanding, sanding, always sanding Modern Monty goodies. Completing and packing orders and the inevitable last minute dash to the post office, which I despise! Then it’s relax time with a trip to the park or a playground nearby and quiet evenings at home.
Right now I’m loving my new Warrior Mumma Maternity Bra from Silent Arrow @wearesilentarrow! Finally a super comfy, wire free maternity bra that holds you in and up, and feels a little bit sexy. Okay, let’s be honest, it feels VERY sexy! It’s put a spring in my step recently. Breastfeeding Mummas check them out! And this is totally not a sponsored plug, I’m just a happy customer!
I’m happiest when Hiro is happy.
I’m inspired by all the biz Mummas hustling during nap times and whenever else they can find a moment. Running a business with children is exceptionally hard, but seeing others succeed helps me to stay motivated and I can tell myself “you can do it!”
I’d advise my younger self to worry less and just enjoy your youth! Take more risks, be silly more often, and say yes to everything you can!
Motherhood is the GREATEST THING EVER! I got a bit teary at this question, which is how I feel whenever I think too much about Hiro and being his mother. Happy, teary. Overwhelmed with happiness. I always wanted to be a mother, but I never expected it to be SO wonderful and the love I feel to be so...BIG.
My words of wisdom are don’t be afraid of failure. Everything you might perceive as a failure is actually a step towards success. You need to fail sometimes to learn what not to do next time, and to build resilience. It’s all just about learning and moving towards your goals. Feel proud of your failures, because they mean you have given something a go.
Word | Family.
Sound | Hiro’s giggles, my partner’s voice, the coffee machine.
Smell | Hiro’s hair.
Place | Home.
Food | Chocolate.
Time of day | The quiet hours late at night when time seems to slow a little.
Book | This is way too hard. I love reading and have so many favourites (usually science fiction or fantasy...yep I am a nerd). Current favourite is Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.