Meet | Karla McCarroll from Love Tildy

Meet | Karla McCarroll from Love Tildy

Karla is a fellow Brisbanian, spending her days hand painting the incredible range of homewares, baby and kids décor that you see in her store Love Tildy - stocking handmade Australian and carefully sourced international products, only using the best quality materials and brands that Karla has personally selected, experienced and loves.

It's a family affair, with Karla's wonderful husband Jimmy helping her dreams come true, surrounded by toys and the old blue clam shell pools and of course, their adorable children Tilly, Teddy and pooch Beast - it doesn’t get more Australian handmade than that!

I started my business because I was going insane with the daily grind of motherhood and needed to use my brain and hands for something other than fetching bananas and changing nappies.

My typical day looks like chaos with a touch of order for the 2hrs that the kids nap.

Right now I’m loving cake in a cup... wait I should say something else... I actually am really loving the autumn / winter colours going around.

I’m happiest when I'm organised, but that does not happen to often these days so I have adapted and am happiest when I feel somewhat organised and when dinner is cooked and has not come in a Dominos pizza box.

I’m inspired by single mothers or anyone doing motherhood (or fatherhood) solo. THAT inspires me and so much respect!

I’d advise my younger self to travel, omg TRAVEL! And drink that darn milkshake, your 19 year old body can take it!

Motherhood is exhausting, limit pushing, sleepless but 100% worth it.

My words of wisdom are be you, not someone else, or someone who you think you should be, just be the best version of you because life is too short to live wanting to be someone else or something else for others.


Word | Nap.
Sound | Teddys laugh but that’s too cliché.... the sound of Jimmys car pulling up from work.
Smell | Roast lamb.
Place | A place called Twin Waters Resort, it's on the Sunshine Coast, its my happy place.
Food | Food.... oh you want specifics... how long do you have?
Time of day | Bed time, and not just because its bedtime, but I love the smell of freshly cleaned babies and snuggles in bed reading stories.
Book | I used to love Patricia Cornwell's books and then I had kids ... I aint got no time for reading!

 Follow | @_LoveTildy_ on Instagram.